Administrative Regulations

Fort Vermillion Local #77 of the Alberta Teachers' Assocation


1) All officers and committee chairman shall present written annual reports to the final general meeting of the year.

2) A copy of all correspondence signed by officers of the Local shall be sent to the Secretary for filing.

3) A copy of the minutes of all Local Council meetings and of all general meetings shall be sent to each school.

4) A copy of the minutes of each meeting of a standing committee shall be sent to each school and to the local secretary.

5) Amendments of additions to these regulations may be made by Local Council on one month’s notice of motion.


1) An audit committee shall:

a) Be appointed at the March meeting of council

b) Be comprised of at least two members

c) Receive the Local’s books of account by June 15 for final audit

1) The annual audit of the Local’s accounts shall be completed by August 31st

2) The Treasurer shall present alternate budget proposals for the ensuing year at the meeting of council immediately following the Annual Representative Assembly.

3) Each standing committee shall submit a prepared budget for activities for the coming school year to Local Council at its’ regular March meeting.


1) A nominating committee shall:

a) Be appointed by Local Council at its’ March meeting

b) Make a progress report to Local Council in April

c) Present a proposed slate of officers to the annual general meeting

d) Present to the annual general meeting a signed acceptance form from each nominee

1) Members in absentia may not be nominated from the floor of a general meeting unless a signed acceptance form has been presented to the meeting.


1) A petty cash account of fifty dollars shall be administered by the Local Secretary. When depleted the account may be brought back to its’ initial amount on the submission to the Local Treasurer of a statement of expenses fully supported by receipts.

2) Members on approved Association business shall be reimbursed for distance travel at the rate of $.30 per kilometer Amended by motion: 79-80-031

Amended by motion: 80-81-052

Amended by motion: 99-01-20

a) Or airfare and up to $100.00 for car rental or taxis but not for both.

Amended by motion: 99-01-20

b) Attendance at Summer Conference and Beginning Teachers Conference will be reimbursed at the current rate of grant-in-aid only.

Amended by motion: 99-01-20

3) All claims for incurred expenses must be submitted promptly on approved Local forms.

4) All claims for incurred expenses are subject to review by the Local Treasurer, with Local Council acting as a board of final appeal.

5) Members requiring accommodation and meals while on approved Association business shall be reimbursed at the rate of:

a) $32.00 per diem for meals, or a partial per diem rate as follows

1) Breakfast @ $8.00

2) Lunch @ $9.00

3) Supper @ $15.00

Amended by motion: 80-81-052

Amended by motion: 99-01-20

a) Hotel room accommodation, parking and reasonable cost for phone calls as per receipts

Amended by motion: 80-81-052

Amended by motion: 99-01-20

b) Members of Council and Standing Committee be eligible for expenses of $15.00 when attending meetings during the supper hour. (Motion 79-80-012)

Amended by motion 99-01-20

1) Traveling expenses will not be paid for attendance at a general meeting only.

2) a) Advances, which may be paid to a committee chairman for the defrayal of specific anticipated costs in connection with a major activity of the committee, shall be paid for a period of thirty days only, at the end of which time the Local Treasurer shall receive, in receipts or in cash, the value of the advance.

b) If requested, advance monies equal to, one way kilometrage or flight costs, plus one nights accommodation will be paid to delegates requested to attend provincially called ATA business. (Motion: 97-11-12)

3) The security of an advance paid to a committee chairman shall be the person’s responsibility. Minor costs of operating a temporary chequing account will be acceptable as expense in the final accounting. Loss of funds for any reason will be charged to the chairman concerned.


1) At the time of presentation of its’ annual budget, the professional development committee shall determine for the ensuing year a maximum limit for reimbursable expenses incurred by a member attending a conference or seminar.

Approved by Local Council 1979/03/21

Amendments approved by Local Council 1979/10/17, 1980/02/20

Amendments approved by Local Council 1981/05/20